43 research outputs found

    Louis Hjelmslev and the Baltic countries

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    This paper deals with texts by Louis Hjelmslev on Baltic topics, in particular an article from 1946 in which he defended the right of the Baltic countries to independence

    Stručná poznámka k staročeským slabičným likvidám / Kratka pripomba k staročeškim zložnim likvidam

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    This article suggests that the fact that Old Czech syllabic liquids were written with a vowel is a mere graphic convention resulting from foreign-language interference.V članku je podana misel, da je pisanje zložnih likvid v stari češčini z vokalom gola grafična konvencija, ki ima začetek v tujejezični interferenci


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    V textu se probírají staročeské jazykové elementy z jiných oblastí než lexikum považované v literatuře za pocházející ze staroslověnštiny a zkoumá se, nakolik v nich skutečně můžeme spatřovat paleoslovenismy. Autor dochází k závěru, že do jisté míry pravděpodobný je staroslověnský původ jen u menšiny těchto prvků.Rad se bavi staročeškim jezičnim elementima koji ne pripadaju leksiku, a smatraju se posuđenicama iz crkvenoslavenskog, pri čemu se istražuje u kojoj ih je mjeri uistinu moguće smatrati paleoslavizmima. Razmatrani se elementi odnose na tvorbu riječi (sufiksi -tel i -telný, prefiksi z- i bez-, složenice, komparativ sa značenjem superlativa), sintaksu (dativ apsolutni, adnominalni dativ, akuzativ umjesto lokativa u izrazu ve jmě ‘in nomine’), morfologiju (sintetska prošla vremena, dvojina, morfološka adaptacija grčkih i latinskih imena), te na fonologiju i pravopis (grčko-latinski fonemski niz VuK, kvačica kao oznaka samoglasničke duljine). Povrh toga se istražuje i fenomen na granici gramatike (u smislu strukturiranja jezičnog sistema) i leksika – sustav nazivanja danā u tjednu. Autor dolazi do zaključka da bi jedino agentivni sufiks ‑tel mogao biti crkvenoslavenskoga podrijetla. Moguće, ali ne i naročito vjerojatno jest crkvenoslavensko podrijetlo u slučaju -telný, z-, bez-, složenicā, adnominalnog dativa, akuzativa u ve jmě, morfološke adaptacije imenā, prošlih vremena, dvojine i naziva danā u tjednu. Preveo: Siniša HabijanecThe present paper deals with Old Czech linguistic elements from other parts of the language system than the lexicon which have been regarded as borrowed from Old Church Slavonic: it is examined to what extent we really can consider them palaeoslovenisms. The elements in question belong to word-formation (suffixes ‑tel and ‑telný, prefixes z‑ and bez‑, composition, superlative meaning of comparative), syntax (dativus absolutus, adnominal dative, accusative instead of locative in ve jmě ‘in nomine’), morphology (simple past voices, dual number, morphological adaptation of Greek and Latin names) as well as phonology and orthography (Greek-Latin phoneme sequence VuC, breve as vowel length mark). Also investigated is the system of naming the days of the week, a phenomenon on the borderline between grammar (in the sense of the structuring of the language system) and the lexicon. The author concludes that only the agentive suffix ‑tel may be viewed with some probability as being of Old Church Slavonic origin. Possible, but not very probable is the Old Church Slavonic origin in the case of ‑telný, z‑, bez‑, the compounds, the adnominal dative, the accusative in ve jmě, the morphological adaptation of names, the past tenses, the dual and the names of the days in the week

    Ein mögliches keltisches Lehnwort im Slavischen

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    A possible Celtic loanword in Slavic The author discusses the possibility to explain Slavic *voldyka as a Celtic loanword

    Doplňky k bibliografii pražské typologie

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    This text supplements the Bibliography of Prague School Typological Theory, which contained entries up to 2006 and was published in the same year. After a brief reminder of the main principles and the most important representatives of this approach, there follows a list of works published after 2006 and those that appeared during that year, or previously, but were not included in the original Bibliography. The present inventory is divided into four parts, according to authorship: works written by Vladimír Skalička, by Petr Sgall, by Jaroslav Popela, and by other authors

    Addenda to the Bibliography of Prague School Typology

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    Greek as means for identification of Paleoslovenisms in Old Czech

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    The author demonstrates how Greek can help identifying Paleoslovenisms in Old Czech

    Lexical pruthenisms in Lithuanian

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    The paper deals with lexical pruthenisms in Lithuanian